Gary Gulman

The way Gulman stakes out a position, like a great painter or a virtuoso, coloring the scenes behind the scenes of the essence of his jokes, really makes him stand above most stand-ups.
The Comic's Comic
Why see Gary Gulman?
live on tour
The Last Comic Standing finalist from season 2 has since become a fully-fledged comic in his own right, garnering critical acclaim for his DVDs and touring work. Known for his surreal observations on everyday situations, Gulman has held a myriad of jobs throughout his twenty years trying to break into the big time; barista, waiter, doorman, accountant, and even a school scholarship football player. A gigantic six-foot, six-inch Bostonian, he has also performed on television comedy shows including Jay Leno, Jimmy Kimmel, David Letterman, and John Oliver.
Having honed his craft over two decades, he has built up a loyal, if not vastly huge fanbase with his casual, everyman style of comedy, choosing carefully considered delivery over rapid-fire wit, as if his jokes are constantly evolving within his mind.
Key Information
Run Time
US Dollars
Customer reviews
Well crafted, biting, tender, brilliant
Nancy R.
Simply the Best
Dave O'Donnell
Gotta' disagree